Alice Dali AR Experience

The Alice Dali AR experience is a captivating project based on images by Salvador Dali (1904-1989). Many people are unaware that Dali was commissioned by Random House to create illustrations for a 1969 edition of Lewis Carroll's timeless classic, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1865). Dali painted twelve images, each corresponding to a chapter in the book.

Composer Svetlana Rudenko, along with narrator Mads Haahr and Haunted Planet Studios, have developed an Augmented Reality (AR) experience that breathes life into Dali's art. The AR experience captures the essence of dreams and the magical world of childhood fairy tales. You can explore this enchanting experience here.

Using geolocation technology, the app locates art-music soundscapes. With the help of a radar displayed on the screen, players can discover these AR images and immerse themselves in the accompanying music and narration. As part of the experience, users capture screenshots of the AR Dali paintings, preserving precious memories of their journey through Alice's fairy tale world.

Families, in particular, will find this experience delightful and can create cherished memories together. Parents can encourage their children to stand within the AR images, capturing unique screenshots that will forever remind them of their magical journey into Alice's whimsical universe.


Alice Dali AR